Have you ever dreamed about owning a classic vehicle for many years but never considered making it a reality? Maybe it’s because you have no experience in maintaining an older vehicle or perhaps you just don’t have the time.
Many people buy older vehicles as a passion project, with a view to “do them up” over time. However, more often than not the vehicle just sits abandoned in the garage and is never worked on. Until eventually it’s given away or sold for a lot less than had been spent on it in the first place.
Here at Jensen Automotive Service & Repair, we can be more than just a place to take your dream car to for inspections. As our skilled mechanics can maintain your vehicle for you. And help you have a love affair with a classic car, without it heading for heartbreak and an empty wallet!
You see, many older cars need interesting special tools to repair or replace parts, especially if they have been “resting” for many years. Relatively easy replacement bearings for example can be beyond the home DIY mechanic. Not because they don’t know what to do, but simply because they do not have the tools or connections to find those parts.
Older cars often have problems with overheating, as their cooling systems are much more rudimentary than modern cooling systems. Vintage cars usually don’t have warning lights in the dash to warn of parts failure, so they need to be paid much closer attention than modern vehicles. They also suffer from electrical problems more frequently. Vintage cars also come with unique problems, such as pest infestations if they’ve been left unused for extended periods.
With the experience and the know how to repair and replace parts on a wide range of classic cars, Jensen Automotive Service & Repair can do it all.